It occurred to me I never post tearsheets on my blog, and I thought I'd better make up for lost time! Some of my pictures which I took when I visited Moldova have appeared in this year's EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) publications, including their latest Transition Report 2011. I took these latest pictures at a bread and beer factory in Moldova in a city called Cahul. Moldova is pretty much Europe's forgotten country, it rarely seems to reach the headlines. When it is mentioned, it's usually because it is Europe's poorest, most backward, economy, reliant mainly on agriculture, especially vineyards. Or, even less flatteringly, as a centre for human sex trafficking. So it was a bit of a privilege to visit some of its nascent industrial base.
If it hadn't been for the EBRD, I probably wouldn't have visited the country at all, but now I got a taste for it, I really want to go back!
Here are the images as they appeared in the latest transition report, as well as some of my Moldovan pictures that appeared in earlier EBRD reports: